Self Love Spell Can Boost Your Confidence Instantly: 8 Recipes With Herbs For Self Love

Self Love Spell

Confidence spell can change your life. Feeling down about yourself? Lack of self-confidence holding you back? Well, don’t worry, we’ve got your back!

This article will provide 8 spells that will boost your confidence. These recipes can be done in your home. So start feeling more confident today!

Confidence Spell Can Change Your Life: How? 

Self worth self love symbols can help to boost your confidence for several reasons.

Firstly, when you cast a spell, you affirm your intention to achieve a particular goal. This in itself is empowering and can help increase your belief in yourself.

Secondly, spells often involve positive affirmations and visualizations, which can also help increase your self-confidence.

Finally, many spells make use of herbs for confidence and other natural ingredients that have traditionally been associated with self-love and confidence.

If you’re looking for a little extra boost of self-confidence, why not try one of these 8 spells?

Eight Beauty Spells for Greater Confidence


How to make a self love jar? Spells for self-confidence can take many forms, but they all have one goal: to help you feel better about yourself. No matter how you choose to cast your spell, the most important thing is that you believe in its power.

Here are 8 confidence spells that will help you boost your self-confidence instantly:

Self-Love Spell

This self confidence spell is designed to help you love and appreciate yourself more. It’s perfect for those who are struggling with low self-esteem.


  • Rose quartz crystal
  • A pink candle
  • A piece of paper


Write down all the things you love about yourself on a piece of paper. Witch affirmations Include both physical and personality traits. An example might be, “I am kind and caring” or “I have a great sense of humor.”

Once you’ve finished writing, fold up the paper and place it under the rose quartz crystal. Light the pink candle and say aloud, “I love and accept myself exactly as I am.” Repeat this mantra three times. Then, allow the candle to burn out completely.

Self-love jars

spell jar

Try to make a self love jar spell if you want to attract more self-love into your life. This simple yet powerful spell can be done with just a few ingredients.

You’ll need:

  • A jar
  • Pink candle
  • Rose quartz crystal
  • Paper and pen
  • Herbs of your choice (I like to use lavender, rosemary, and chamomile)

Directions for self love spell jar: Start by charging the Rose Quartz under the Full Moon’s light. On the night of the new moon, write down 100 things you love about yourself on a piece of paper. Fold up the paper and place it in the jar. 

Then add your herbs and charge them with your intention of self-love so they’ll become herbs for confidence. Next, light the pink candle and hold it over the jar, repeating your choice aloud three times. 

Allow the candle to burn out completely. Then, keep your self-love jar in a particular place where you can see it daily as a reminder of your own power and inner beauty.

Self Love Oil Recipe

Self love oil recipe is perfect for anointing yourself with self-love. You can use it in your bath water, add it to a diffuser, or simply apply it to your skin.


  • ½ cup Rosehip Seed Oil
  • 15 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • 15 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil
  • 15 drops of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
  • Glass Bottle with Dropper or Roller Ball Top

Directions: Add all herbs for self love to a glass bottle and shake well. Apply to pulse points and areas of the body that need some extra love. Inhale deeply and repeat positive affirmations to yourself throughout the day.

Glow Up Spell

This recipe doens’t require herbs for self love.


  • A pink candle
  • A highlighter
  • A piece of paper

Directions: On the night of a full moon, write down your intention for self-love/glowing up on a piece of paper.

It can be anything from “I will love myself unconditionally” to “I will no longer compare myself to others.” Anoint the candle of the glow up spell with your intention and light it. Allow the candle to burn until it’s completely melted.

While the candle is burning, use the highlighter to draw a heart on the paper. Then, fold the paper up and keep it in your purse or wallet until you see results.

Red Candle Spell

Red candle spell

Candle spells are perfect if you’re looking for traditional spells. They’re simple but effective and can be done with items you likely already have in your home.


  • A pink or red candle
  • Rose petals
  • A bowl of water

Directions: Place the candle in front of you and light it. Hold the rose petals in your hands and focus on sending beauty spells and light into them. Visualize yourself surrounded by an abundance of love. Drop the petals into the water bowl and allow the candle to burn out.

Self Confidence Spell

How to cast a self love spell? In our daily life, we can sometimes forget how powerful and confident we really are. This spell is designed to help you remember your own strength and power.


  • A green or white candle
  • A piece of paper
  • A highlighter

Directions: Write down your intention for this spell on the piece of paper. It can be any witchcraft affirmations from “I will speak my truth” to “I will trust my gut.” 

Anoint the candle with your intention and light it. Allow the candle to burn until it’s completely melted. While the candle is burning, use the highlighter to draw a circle around the edge of the paper. Fold the paper for self love rituals and keep it in your pocket or purse until you see results.

This spell is perfect for when you need a quick boost of confidence. It’s also great to use before an important meeting or presentation.

Pink Candle Spell

Pink candle spell

How to cast self love candle spell? Candles are one of the most essential tools in spell work. They are often used to represent the element of fire, which is associated with passion, energy, and strength. Pink candles are used explicitly for spells related to self-love, confidence, and beauty.


  • A pink candle
  • A bowl of water
  • Rose petals

Directions: Candle spells are best performed on a Friday during the waxing moon. Anoint the candle with rose oil and light it. Visualize yourself surrounded by an abundance of love. Drop the petals into the water bowl and allow the candle to burn out.

Strawberry Spell

Herbs for self love and fruits often include strawberries. Strawberries symbolize love, so it’s no surprise that this fruit can be used in spells related to self-love and confidence.


  • A pink or red candle
  • A mason jar
  • Rose petals
  • Strawberry leaves

Directions: Anoint the candle with rose oil and light it. Take one of your self love jars, hold it in your hands and visualize yourself surrounded by abundant love.

As you do this, drop the rose petals and strawberry leaves into the jar. Allow the candle to burn out.

Self Love Rituals: What Else Can You Use For Self-Confidence?


Self love spell jar, flowers, magic herbs… There are many things you can do to boost self-confidence. Below are some of our favorite suggestions:

Candle spells: Light a pink or red candle and affirm: “I am beautiful, I am confident, I love myself, I am worthy of respect, I am powerful.” Allow the candle to burn out.

Witchcraft affirmations: I cast spells for self-love and confidence, I am attracting positive energy, and I am surrounded by love, light, and happiness.

Self-love rituals:

  • Take a relaxing bath scented with rose petals or lavender
  • Make a self-care kit including items that make you feel good
  • Write yourself a love letter
  • Meditate on witch affirmations such as “I am worthy of love and respect.”
  • Visualize yourself surrounded by loving energy

Magic herbs: Bay leaves, basil, chamomile, mint, rosemary.


So, now you know how to cast self love candle spells and much more! Self-confidence is vital for success in all areas of life. We can attract positive energy and raise our vibrations by performing spells and rituals. I hope you enjoyed these spells and that they help you to manifest your dreams! Blessed be.

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