15 Signs He Wants to Make You His Girlfriend

He Wants to Make You His Girlfriend

In today’s day and age, it seems like more and more people are eschewing traditional committed relationships in favor of casual dating. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, it can be hard to tell whether a guy is actually interested in you or just sees you as a temporary fling.

If you’re starting to develop feelings for a guy and want to know whether he’s thinking about making things official, here are 7 signs he wants to make you his girlfriend.

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Sign 1. He Introduces You to His Family and Friends

If a guy is serious about you, he’ll want to introduce you to the people closest to him. If he’s been talking about you to the people closest to him, it’s a clear sign that he sees you as something serious. He’ll want them to meet you and get to know you because he sees a future with you.

If he’s been dragging his feet on introducing you to the people in his life, it may be because he’s not quite sure yet where your relationship is going.

This is especially true if he’s close with his parents or siblings. If they approve of you, it’s a good sign he sees potential in the relationship and wants things to go further.

Also, keep an eye out for how he talks about you to others. If he refers to you as his “friend” or “buddy,” it’s likely that’s all he sees you as. But if he calls you his “girlfriend” or uses pet names like “baby” or “sweetheart,” it’s a good sign he wants to date you.

So if you’re lucky enough to have a guy do this for you, it means he’s really into you and wants everyone to know it.

Sign 2. He Asks About Your Day-To-Day Life

Part of being in a relationship is getting to know every aspect of your partner’s life, both the good and the bad. If a guy is interested in making things official with you, he’ll want to know what’s going on in your day-to-day life and will take an active interest in it. If he’s always asking you how your day was or what you did, these are early dating signs he likes you and that he wants to be more involved in your life.

Furthermore, if he goes out of his way to help you with things or makes an effort to make your life easier, that’s another sign he sees you as potential girlfriend material.

Sign 3. He Talks About the Future

man holds hand

When a guy is interested in a girl, he’ll start to think about the future and what it could be like with her. He’ll talk about things he wants to do, places he wants to go, and things he wants to accomplish. He’ll also start asking you about your future plans and what you see yourself doing down the road. He would also want to know if you’re open to the idea of a serious relationship. He’s not just thinking about the present, but also the future and how you fit into it. This could be anything from big plans like moving in together or getting married to smaller things like taking a trip together or going on a double date with another couple. These are exact signs he wants you in his future.

If a guy is talking about the future with you, it means he’s thinking about a long-term relationship with you and not just a casual fling. He’s envisioning a life with you in it and wants to make sure you’re on the same page.

No matter what the plan is, if he’s including you in it, it means he wants you to be a part of his life.

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Sign 4. He Talks About Marriage and Kids

For some guys, marriage and kids are a huge deal. If he’s talking about them with you, it means he’s taking your relationship seriously, and it’s an exact sign he thinks you’re the one. Be sure he wants to know if you see a future with him. He may not be ready for marriage and kids yet, but he’s definitely thinking about it and wants to know where you stand.

Since for most men, these are major life decisions, they don’t take them lightly. If he’s talking to you about them, it means he sees you as a potential partner in his future.

Sign 5. He Talks About Your Relationship as Being “Us” Instead of “You” and “Me”

When a guy is serious about a girl, he starts to see the relationship as being between “us” instead of “you” and “me.” He includes you in his plans and decisions and starts to think of you as a team.

He also starts to refer to himself as part of your life, instead of just being someone who’s in it. For example, he might say things like, “We should go on vacation together,” or “I can’t wait for us to meet my parents.”

If he’s using the word “us” a lot, it’s a good sign that he sees you as being in a committed relationship with him.

Sign 6. He Pays for Your Dates

When a guy pays for your date, it means he’s trying to impress you. He’s showing you that he’s interested in you and wants to take care of you. It also shows that he’s got money and is willing to spend it on you.

Some guys will try to impress you by taking you to expensive places, but others will just pay for your dinner or movie tickets. Either way, it’s a good sign he is getting ready to ask you out and that he’s interested in being more than just friends with you.

Payment isn’t always about money though. If he cooks for you or does something special for you, it means he’s putting in the effort to make you happy. He wants to make sure you have a good time, and he cares about your needs.

When a guy goes out of his way to do things for you, it’s a sign that he’s interested in you and wants to make you happy. He’s willing to put in the effort to make sure you’re both on the same page and that he can make you happy.

Sign 7. He Makes an Effort With Your Hobbies and Interests

If a guy is really into you, he’ll make an effort to learn about your hobbies and interests. He won’t just try to be interested in the things that you like to do, but he’ll also want to get involved. He’ll want to attend your events, watch your games, and support you as much as possible. If he’s doing all of this, it means he’s serious about you and wants to make things work.

Sign 8. He Wants to Communicate With You

man communicates

When a guy is serious about a girl, he’ll make sure to keep the lines of communication open. He’ll want to know how your day is going, what you’re up to, and how you’re feeling. He won’t play games or try to hide his feelings from you. Instead, he’ll be honest and transparent with you because he wants things to work out between the two of you.

If you’re not sure where he stands, there are a few questions you can ask him to help clear things up. By asking him these questions, you’ll be able to get a better understanding of his intentions and whether or not he wants a serious relationship with you.

Questions to ask a guy to know his intentions:

  • What are your thoughts on relationships? Asking this question will help you to gauge his views on relationships and whether or not he’s looking for something serious.
  • What do you want in a relationship? This question will help you figure out what he’s looking for in a relationship and whether or not he has the same goals as you.
  • How long have you been wanting a girlfriend? If he’s been wanting a girlfriend for a while, it’s likely that he’s looking for something serious.
  • What are your plans for the future? Asking this question will help you get a sense of how invested he is in the relationship and where it’s headed.
  • Have your previous relationships been serious? If he’s only been in casual relationships in the past, it might mean that he’s not ready for a serious one just yet.
  • How many dates do you need before asking to be your girlfriend? By knowing the answer to this question, you’ll get a sense of how soon he wants to make things official.

Answering these questions can help give you a better understanding of whether or not the person you’re dating is looking for something serious. If most of his answers point towards him wanting a serious relationship, it’s likely that he is ready to take things to the next level with you, and it’s a time when a guy is willing to wait for you. On the other hand, if his answers suggest that he’s still not sure what he wants, you might need to have a conversation with him about your expectations.

Sign 9. He Compliments You

He Compliments You

A guy who is interested in you will definitely compliment you on your looks, your intelligence, or your personality. He wants to make sure you know he finds you attractive, and he enjoys spending time with you.

Compliments are always nice to hear, but if he’s giving them to you all the time, it might be a sign that he’s trying too hard. If you’re not interested in him, it’s best to let him know so that he doesn’t get his hopes up.

Sign 10. He Holds Your Hand in Public

This is a surefire sign he wants to make you his girlfriend. When a guy is really into you, he won’t be shy about holding your hand in public. It’s his way of showing the world that you’re together, and he’s proud to have you by his side.

If he’s not ready to take things to the next level, he may avoid holding your hand in public or even kissing you in front of other people. If this is the case, it may be best to move on. You deserve someone who is willing to show the world how much they love you.

Sign 11. The Kisses Are More Intimate

When a guy is ready to make you his girlfriend, the kisses will become more intimate. He’ll start slow and soft, and then he may even try to slip his tongue into your mouth. This is a clear sign that he’s interested in taking things to the next level with you.

If the kisses are just friendly pecks on the cheek, he’s probably not ready for a serious relationship. But if he’s giving you deep, passionate kisses that leave you wanting more, it’s a good sign that he’s ready to take things to the next level.

Sign 12. He Makes You a Priority

When a guy is ready to make you his girlfriend, he’ll start to see you as a priority in his life. He’ll want to spend more time with you, and he’ll go out of his way to do things for you.

For example, he may offer to help you with your homework, or he may drive you to work when your car is in the shop. If he’s constantly doing things for you and making sure that you’re taken care of, it’s a good sign that he wants to make you his girlfriend.

Sign 13. He’s No Longer Dating Anyone Else

If a guy is serious about making you his girlfriend, he’ll stop dating other women. He’ll want to focus all of his time and energy on you.

If you’re dating a guy, and he’s still seeing other women, it’s a sign that he’s not ready to commit to you. He’s not ready to let go of his freedom, and he’s not ready to make you his girlfriend.

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Sign 14. He Is Protective Over You

When a guy is protective over you, it means he cares about you. He doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you. He’s always looking out for your safety and well-being.

If a guy is constantly looking out for you and making sure that you’re okay, it’s a good sign that he wants to make you his girlfriend.

Sign 15. He’s Made It Clear He Wants a Relationship


The last and most obvious sign is that he’s explicitly said he wants a serious relationship with you. This could happen after a few dates or even after months of dating.

If he says something like, “I’m not looking for anything casual,” or “I want to find a girlfriend,” it’s pretty clear that he wants a relationship with you.

Of course, sometimes people say things like this even when they don’t really mean it. So it’s always important to look for other signs as well, like how he treats you and how interested he seems in taking things to the next level.

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Final Thoughts

‘Why does he keep me around if he doesn’t want a relationship?’ ‘Is he my boyfriend or are we just dating?’ – these are the questions you may be worried about. However, there are many signs that a guy may be interested in making you his girlfriend. If he’s been dropping hints, asking questions about your relationship status, or complimenting you more than usual, it’s definitely a good sign!

If he’s ready for a serious relationship, he’ll want to make things official as soon as possible. If you’re not sure where you stand with him, pay close attention to his actions. If he’s avoiding commitment or treating you like just another friend, it’s probably best to move on.

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